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Picture with  pirate information


Play by the rules so you don't walk the plank!

  • Students get in free with a London Student ID or wearing a spirit shirt.
  • Please park in the parking lots. No vehicles on the grass.
  • Keep our new facilities great! No field access for spectators before or after the game..
  • Pirates cheer on the games. No in/out gate without a new ticket. 
  • Entrance and exit is from the north ticket gate.
  • Ye' Pirates have a concession stand. No outside food or drinks. 
  • Keep our new facilities clean. Properly dispose of trash.



Join us on social media. Find out about great things happening at London ISD.

Nominations are open for the London Pirate Proud feature. Must have parent permission to receive award. Pirates will be featured for all their accomplishments, service to the community, and just being a great London Pirate. 

Nominate Here

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Around the District

Free and Reduced Meal Applications Now Online

London ISD Demographic Study

building a house

Bond 2022 Updates

Hard Hat with Plans

London ISD Athletic Weekly Updates

New and Returning Student Enrollment

school supplies

See the Latest Pirate Proud Spotlight


News and Events at London ISD

    Upcoming Events

    LHS Swim - Gobble Games Meet
    all day
    CCISD Natatorium
    Thanksgiving Holiday
    LHS Swim - Gobbler Games Meet
    all day
    CCISD Natatorium
    Thanksgiving Holiday
    Thanksgiving Holiday
    Thanksgiving Holiday