Community Engagement
London ISD is looking for individuals who would like to serve on existing, new, or upcoming committees developed by the district. Stakeholder input is extremely important was we continue to grow while maintaining our vision to be an innovative community, engaging students to contribute, lead, and impact their world. Learn more about each committee and how to apply below.
District committees are advisory in nature, providing feedback and insight for administrators and team leaders. Committees can be comprised by a variety of London ISD stakeholders including teachers, staff, members of the community and students as appropriate. The type of stakeholder and number of representatives differ by each committee type.
District Committees
- Site-Based Decision-Making Committee (SBDM)
- School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
- Safety & Security Committee
- Ad Hoc Committees
Site-Based Decision-Making Committee (SBDM)
District Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Committee
In compliance with law, the District shall establish a District-level committee to advise the Board or its designee in establishing and reviewing the District's improvement plan [see BQ], as well as the District's educational goals, performance objectives, and major District-wide classroom instructional programs.
The Superintendent shall serve as the Board's designee and shall regularly consult with the committee.
The chairperson of the committee shall set its agenda and shall schedule at least two meetings per year, including the public meeting required by law.
The Superintendent shall ensure that the District-level committee establishes communication strategies to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input and provide information to those persons regarding the recommendations of the committee.
The committee shall be composed of members who shall represent campus-based professional staff, District-level professional staff, parents, businesses, and the community. When practicable, professional staff representation shall include a representative with the primary responsibility for educating students with disabilities. For the purposes of this policy, District-level professional staff shall be defined as professionals who have responsibilities at more than one campus, including, but not limited to, central office staff.
Selected Representatives
Parent, community member, and business representatives shall be selected in accordance with this policy and administrative regulations.
The committee shall include at least two parents of students currently enrolled in the District. The Superintendent shall, through various channels, inform all parents of District students about the committee's duties and composition, and shall solicit volunteers.
Community Members
The committee shall include two community members selected by a process that provides for adequate representation of the community's diversity. The Superintendent shall use several methods of communication to ensure that community residents are informed of the committee and are provided the opportunity to participate, and shall solicit volunteers. Community representatives must reside in the District.
Business Representatives
The committee shall include two businesspeople, selected by a process that provides for adequate representation of the community's diversity. The Superintendent shall use several methods of communication to ensure that area businesses are informed of the committee and are provided the opportunity to participate and shall solicit volunteers. Business representatives need not reside in nor operate businesses in the District.
Professional Staff
Professional staff representatives shall be nominated and elected in accordance with this policy and administrative regulations.
Classroom teacher representatives shall comprise at least two-thirds of the total professional staff representation on the committee and shall be nominated and elected by all professional staff.
At least one campus-based nonteaching professional representative shall be nominated and elected by all professional staff.
At least one District-level professional representative, other than the Superintendent, shall be nominated and elected by all professional staff.
An employee's affiliation or lack of affiliation with any organization or association shall not be a factor in either the nomination or election of representatives on the committee. [See also DGA]
A nominee must consent before the person's name may appear on a ballot. Election of the committee shall be held at a time determined by the Board or its designee.
All representatives shall serve one-year terms and shall not be limited as to the number of consecutive terms they may serve on the committee.
A vacancy during a term shall be filled for the remainder of the term by election or selection as appropriate for the category.
Dr. Alex Salazar, Assistant Superintendent |
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
The board shall establish a local school health advisory council (SHAC) to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district's health education instruction.
Education Code 28.004(a)
[See EHAA regarding duties of the SHAC.]
The SHAC shall meet at least four times each year. For each meeting the SHAC shall:
- At least 72 hours before the meeting post notice of the date, hour, place, and subject of the meeting on a bulletin board in the central administrative office of each campus in the district; and ensure that the required notice is posted on the district's internet website, if the district has an internet website;
- Prepare and maintain minutes of the meeting that state the subject and content of each deliberation and each vote, order, decision, or other action taken by the council during the meeting;
- Make an audio or video recording of the meeting; and
- Not later than the tenth day after the meeting, submit the minutes and audio or video recording of the meeting to the district.
As soon as practicable after receipt of the minutes and audio or video recording, the district shall post the minutes and audio or video recording on the district's internet website, if the district has an internet website.
Education Code 28.004(d-1), (d-2)
The board shall appoint at least five members to the SHAC. A majority of members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. One of those members shall serve as chair or co-chair of the SHAC.
The board also may appoint one or more persons from each of the following groups or a representative from a group other than a group specified:
- Classroom teachers employed by the district;
- School counselors certified under Education Code Chapter 21, Subchapter B, employed by the district;
- School administrators employed by the district;
- District students;
- Health-care professionals licensed or certified to practice in this state, including medical or mental health professionals;
- The business community;
- Law enforcement;
- Senior citizens;
- The clergy;
- Nonprofit health organizations; and
- Local domestic violence programs.
Education Code 28.004(d)
Physical Activity and Fitness Planning Subcommittee
The SHAC shall establish a physical activity and fitness planning subcommittee to consider issues relating to student physical activity and fitness and make policy recommendations to increase physical activity and improve fitness among students. Education Code 28.004(l-1)
Annual Report
In addition to its other duties, the SHAC shall submit to the board, at least annually, a written report that includes:
- Any SHAC recommendation concerning the district's health education curriculum and instruction or related matters that the SHAC has not previously submitted to the board;
- Any suggested modification to a SHAC recommendation previously submitted to the board;
- A detailed explanation of the SHAC's activities during the period between the date of the current report and the date of the last prior written report; and
- Any recommendations made by the physical activity and fitness planning subcommittee.
Education Code 28.004(m)
Public Statement
A district shall publish in the student handbook and post on the district's internet website, if the district has an internet website, a statement of:
- The policies and procedures adopted to promote the physical health and mental health of students, the physical health and mental health resources available at each campus, contact information for the nearest providers of essential public health services under Health and Safety Code Chapter 121, and the contact information for the nearest local mental health authority;
- The policies adopted to ensure that elementary school, middle school, and junior high school students engage in at least the amount and level of physical activity required by Education Code 28.002(l) [see EHAB and EHAC];
- The number of times during the preceding year the SHAC has met;
- Whether the district has adopted and enforces policies to ensure that district campuses comply with the Texas Education Agency's vending machine and food service guidelines for restricting student access to vending machines;
- Whether the district has adopted and enforces policies and procedures that prescribe penalties for the use of e‑cigarettes, as defined by Education Code 38.006, and tobacco products by students and others on school campuses or at school-sponsored or school-related activities [see DH and GKA];
- Notice to parents that they can request in writing their child's physical fitness assessment results at the end of the school year [see FFAA]; and
- Whether each campus in the district has a full-time nurse or full-time school counselor.
Education Code 28.004(k)
Meetings, Minutes, Agendas
Wellness Plans