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Safety Measures

London ISD Safety Measures 2023-2024

All security officers are trained under the "Texas Guardian Program" and carry weapons. 

District personnel attended the National Safety Conference with a variety of recommendations for best practices among schools. 

Continued coordination with 9-1-1 Dispatch with direct communication to Corpus Christi Police Department and Nueces County.

Partnered with Nueces County Sheriff's Department to have more presence on each campus. 

Video surveillance at all campus entrances with expansion to additional "unlisted" areas. 

Additional training for Threat Assessment Teams.

The District participates in the Texas Guardian Program with additional personnel trained at all campuses. 

Weekly exterior door audits by district personnel to maintain compliance of all exterior doors locked at all times.

Routine interior door audits by district personnel to maintain compliance of all interior doors locked at all times. 

Discontinued on-side food delivery services by third parties. 

Installed signage to alert visitors of the security process and our intentions to keep our students safe.

Intermediate classroom doors were reinforced to include additional wood panels.

Work continues on upgrading the employee badge entry systems and additional work on automated doors.

Distribution of child identification kits from the State of Texas. 

Successful completion of the first on-site third party safety audit with no findings. 

Succesful completion of the second on-site third party safety audit with no findings.

Successful completion of the third on-site third party safety audit with no findings.

Addition of a fourth security officer.

On-site active shooter training in cooperation with local law enforcement. 

New fencing throughout the campus reduces access during the school day to playgrounds or portable classrooms.